Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 vs Snapdragon 865 Comparison
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 is not launched yet, the comparison is based on its leaked and rumored specs.
Snapdragon 875 vs Snapdragon 865
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 has a tri-cluster octa-core CPU which integrates 1 ARM Cortex-X1 Super Core clocked at up to 2.84GHz, 3 Cortex-A77 Gold Cores at 2.42GHz and 4 Cortex-A55 Silver Cores at 1.80GHz clock speed while the Snapdragon 865 also has a tri-cluster 64 bit octa-core CPU which includes 1 ARM Cortex-A77 Prime Core ticking at 2.84GHz, 3 Cortex-A77 Gold Cores at 2.42GHz and 4 Cortex-A55 Silver Cores at 1.8GHz clock speed.
The clock speed of both chipsets is the same but the Snapdragon 875 has upgraded CPU cores because of which it has much better CPU processing in comparison to the Snapdragon 865 SoC.
For gaming purpose, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 integrates a the Adreno 650 GPU operating at 600MHz while the Snapdragon 875 will have the Adreno 660 GPU which is an upgrade of Adreno 650 presented on Snapdragon 865.
Manufacturing Process:
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 is fabricated on the 7nm process technology while the Snapdragon 875 will use the 5nm fabrication process. So here also the Snapdragon 875 is power-efficient in comparison to the Snapdragon 865.
Originally published at Mobilestalk.net